Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Blog | CONTRAVE® (naltrexone HCI/bupropion HCI)

Cruise Control: Tips on Staying Healthy on All-Inclusive Vacations

Written by CONTRAVE Care Team | Jun 21, 2023 9:27:15 PM

Everyone has their preferences when it comes to travel. Some of us seek out ancient cities to explore while others set out to see incomparable landscapes in national parks. 

For many of us, however, when we think of vacation, we think of relaxation. We picture spending our days lounging by the pool or ocean, eating food prepared by someone else, and drinking tropical cocktails freely in an all-inclusive cruise or resort setting.

One of the biggest appeals of these trips is how they make vacationing easy. Everything is ready for you and available on-site for your convenience. And while that is incredibly relaxing, it can also test your healthy habits with all-you-can-eat buffets and swim-up bars. It can make you so relaxed that you completely forget you said you were going to hit the hotel gym every morning.

For all of you lucky enough to get some well-deserved R&R, we’ve put together some tips on staying healthy when you’re (mostly) staying put:

Do something that gets you off of the beach lounger and moving
There are plenty of ways to sneak in a bit of exercise. Most resorts and big cruise ships will have a fitness center with exercise equipment for you to take advantage of (maybe even the fancy cycling bikes or other machines you don't have back home). You may even discover free on-site fitness and yoga classes. These are often multi-level classes and perfect opportunities to try something new.

If you went on vacation to get away from a treadmill, a daily walk around your hotel or cruise ship will help you get your steps in (plus, you’ll get to know your surroundings better and explore a little). The more adventurous can try out some tropical sports, especially if you wouldn’t have the opportunity to do them back home. Paddleboarding, kayaking, or surfing are all fun activities that will still work some muscles.

Have a strategy for the buffet
At some point during your vacation, you’re probably going to want to hit up the buffet. The most important thing to consider here is portion size—you are in control, so be in control! Get a little bit of everything you want to try, but remember you’re not obligated to finish anything. 

What you choose to put on your plate matters, too! May we recommend staying away from traditionally high-fat, and highly-processed American foods like chicken fingers and french fries? Take the opportunity to try something local and new to you. Fresh fruit in the mornings with breakfast and filling your plate with veggies before dinner can make a big difference and help you stay full on the good stuff. 

You can also skip the buffet entirely for some meals. There are likely on-site restaurants that will serve traditional plated food in courses. If you think you may be vulnerable to filling up a plate with cravings that night, opt for one of those options.

Practice mindful eating
Yes, you’re on vacation so you’re probably going to eat something you normally wouldn’t on your diet back home. All-inclusive resorts and cruises seem to have food everywhere and can encourage you to overeat just because the food is there. 

This is where eating mindfully comes in. Trust yourself to make good judgments and pay attention to your hunger cues. Eat when you’re hungry—as fuel for the fun. This can help you stay closer to your healthy habits and goals.

Do you know what clouds your ability to be mindful? Not getting enough sleep. Going to bed at a decent time will ensure you wake up well-rested to enjoy the next day as well as have the power to resist all the unhealthy foods. Sticking to a type of routine can also help you stay on your medication schedule (such as for CONTRAVE).

Drink water!!!
Always an important wellness tip, staying hydrated will be even more important if you’re vacationing in a hot and/or tropical area—and, of course, when you’re permitted unlimited alcoholic beverages. (Remember, drinking alcohol is not recommended when taking CONTRAVE so be sure to speak to your provider if you have any questions or concerns). 

Alcohol will dehydrate you and too much of it can lead to a hangover and further dehydration—never a desired state of mind or body. To avoid this cycle, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Coconut water with all its electrolytes is another good option (and in some places, you may even be able to get a fresh coconut cut open for you!). Those who like to come prepared may even pack hydration powders that can be easily mixed into a water bottle. 

Finally: practice forgiveness 
Vacation is not the time to be hard on yourself—life is already hard enough all the rest of the time. If you break any of your “rules,” note the event and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

A simple mindset shift can make a huge difference. When you see yourself practicing your healthy habits on vacation as a wonderful way of caring for yourself instead of as a punishment, you'll come home feeling even more restored! 


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