Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Blog | CONTRAVE® (naltrexone HCI/bupropion HCI)

Meet Jeanette and Her Newfound Motivation

Written by CONTRAVE Care Team | Feb 5, 2024 4:46:10 PM

My weight loss journey has been a lifelong one. I have been overweight since I was young. And for as long as I could remember, I’d been an emotional eater. I would eat when I was happy or sad or bored—eating just because I could.

Before I learned about CONTRAVE, I had tried all types of diets and workout programs. I’d stick with them for a few months before turning to the next new thing to try. But regardless of what I was doing to lose weight and no matter how “good” I’d been until then, when nighttime came I felt the impulse to go looking for snacks.

I brought this up to my primary care doctor when we were discussing weight loss solutions after trying other medications and treatment options. At this point, I was even considering gastric bypass surgery with another doctor. But I decided with my primary care doctor to give CONTRAVE a try instead, alongside diet and exercise. I found the CurAccess Savings Program was the most affordable way to get the medication for me!

I’ve been on CONTRAVE for over a year now, and I have learned so much about myself since starting on the medication. Since taking CONTRAVE, I can now successfully identify my hunger cues. I listen to my body to tell me when I’m really hungry and can ignore the impulse to eat food when I am feeling stressed or bored.

As the weight began to come off, I began to realize how much of an active person I am and how good it felt to move my body. I have discovered a newfound sense of motivation to push myself to do more. I take daily long walks because I like to get out of the house instead of sitting around. When I’m working from home, I’ll walk on the treadmill while working or while I’m watching TV.

It took me years to figure out an effective way for me to lose weight, but I am glad I finally did. I can’t see myself going back to my old habits. I love being active and feeling these successes. It’s what drives me to be consistent—knowing that I’m doing this for me and nobody else.

Real patient taking CONTRAVE at the time of interview. Individual results may vary. Photos and story used with permission.


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