Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Blog | CONTRAVE® (naltrexone HCI/bupropion HCI)

Self-Care Ideas That Won't Break The Bank

Written by CONTRAVE Care Team | Feb 14, 2023 4:08:53 PM

Living a healthy life isn’t just about your physical health—how many steps you take or which healthy snacks you've opted for. True holistic wellness focuses on your mental, social, and emotional health, too. That’s why self-care is just as important as all the other aspects of living a healthy lifestyle; however, it’s usually put on the very bottom of everyone's to-do list.

Self-care also seems to have the connotation attached that it should be an elaborate and expensive endeavor, which is far from the truth. Self-care can be simple and very inexpensive. It can also be a Do-It-Yourself moment that puts you first and gives you a moment to love yourself.

Check out these simple, inexpensive, and wonderful self-care ideas below.

1.) Take a bubble bath. Add a little extra soap for additional bubbles or some bath salts if you have them handy and just enjoy soaking in the tub. For extra relaxation- listen to music, read a book, light some candles, or enjoy a beverage of your choice.

2.) Take a nap. Give yourself permission to enjoy a little mid-day snooze. Taking a nap can recharge you and give you a tremendous boost for the second half of your day. This self-care activity can easily be achieved if you have children also by napping for a part of your child's nap time.

3.) Do yoga. No need for a fancy membership, simply pull up a yoga class on YouTube and follow along from anywhere.

4.)  Designate an hour to completely unplug. Turn off the devices and do something you enjoy without any interruptions. No notifications, no distractions!

5.) Cook a fancy meal for yourself. No need to make a reservation at a swanky restaurant. Play chef and whip up a beautiful meal for yourself or your family to enjoy in the comfort of your home. Bonus points- if you whip up a healthy recipe found on our blog.

6.) Go for a walk in nature. Be it a hike or strolling on the beach or on a nature preserve. Walking in nature is a great way to not only get steps in but also allows you to admire nature and simply take it all in.

7.) Treat yourself to a spa day at home. Purchase a sheet face mask, diffuse some essential oils, and apply some lotion to your feet then put on fuzzy socks. You could even cut up cucumbers to place on your eyes and infuse your water with lemon or mint for more of a spa feel.

No matter how you choose to practice self-care make sure you make a plan and stick to it. It's important to pencil in self-care regularly to reap the benefits.


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