Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Blog | CONTRAVE® (naltrexone HCI/bupropion HCI)

Staying Active in Autumn

Written by CONTRAVE Care Team | Oct 30, 2023 3:21:11 PM

Crisp fall air, sweater weather, pumpkin spice, and everything nice—welcome, fall!

When we’re not inside curled up with a cup of tea and a cozy book, for many of us the cooler temperatures of the season are an invitation to get back outside. Fall is full of unique seasonal activities that offer opportunities to get more movement into your life.

Opt to Apple Pick at an Orchard
A tried and true autumn outing is a visit to an apple orchard to pick your own apples. This family-friendly activity will get you up and moving—plus all the stretching for high apples and carrying around your collection.

Earn some bonus activity points if the orchard you go to lets you try hand-cranking your harvest to make homemade apple cider! Nothing like some rustic techniques to get your muscles burning. 

Pump Up at the Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkins are a symbol of the season, but picking a couple up at the grocery store on your way home is a missed opportunity. Why not indulge in autumn and head to a local pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkins this year? 

This activity is about more than the cute photo ops—it gets you outside and doing some squats as you get down to pick pumpkins. And pumpkins are HEAVY. Who needs dumbbells? 

Train for a Run
Fall is informally the season for organized runs. While we’re not saying you need to run a marathon this season, there are many 5k runs/walks for charity occurring over fall that welcome participants of all ages and skill levels. Give back, grab some friends, and powerwalk your way to some good karma. 

Or, if you’re looking for more of a challenge, try an app-based training program to help you go from a power-walker to 5k runner.  

Rake Leaves and Garden Prep
Raking leaves is a necessary evil of the season, but it’s not all bad. Raking leaves is a full-body exercise that will get your blood pumping and keep you sweating under your scarf. 

Autumn is also a season of garden and yard clean-up, so you can burn some calories preparing your yard for the cold weather ahead. Or, if you live in a warmer climate, the fall is another growing season—so get some squats in planting and weeding!

Find Yourself in a Corn Maze
Another classic autumnal pastime is the corn maze. Grab your family or friends and try to make your way through the twists and turns of your local corn maze. 

While some people pride themselves on a quick finish time, hitting all of those dead ends means even more steps for your daily count.

Get a Jump Scare at a Haunted House
Another fall attraction that requires you to do some walking, visiting a haunted house can add thousands of spooky steps to your count. 

Plus, you’ll activate your leg muscles with some plyometric jumping when you jump out of your skin with fright when the actors pop out!

Hit as Many Houses as Possible on Halloween
If you’re planning on taking your costumed little ones trick or treating this year for Halloween, make the experience a game to ring as many doorbells as possible. 

Kids will be on board to maximize their candy collection, and everyone will get the bonus of a few hours of walking around and having fun.

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