Meet Brittney: Taking Pride in Hard Work
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My name is Brittney. I live in and work for a small town in New Hampshire. I’m a 40-year-old mom of four children (including a set of twins), a fur mom to a couple of dogs, and some cats. We’re an outdoorsy family that loves to kayak and swim—when my children aren’t participating in competitive sports!
I’ve always been overweight. I remember as a young girl my brother making fun of me mercilessly one summer, calling me a whale when I wore a black swimsuit. I used to get told by friends and family, “Oh, you’d be so pretty if you lost weight!” So I was always on a diet and trying to lose weight.
Later I went through a divorce and during this time, I did manage to lose some weight through a program but wasn’t at a “healthy” weight for my height. Not to mention I had a bad fall and hurt my hip, which made it challenging to get exercise, and the weight just started to pile back on. I felt defeated as I was just getting into a routine and building habits only to have this injury stop my progress.
Every time I went to see my doctor we would chat about my weight. After I expressed my frustration with trying all these diets and trying to move more over the years, they originally prescribed me a weight loss injectable medication, but when I went to fill it I was shocked by the price tag. I was upset because I really wanted to try the injectable product, but it was not something I could afford to pay each month. I went back to my doctor to talk about alternatives, which is when he prescribed me CONTRAVE.
As I started taking CONTRAVE I was doing some research and joining support communities when I discovered the CONTRAVE website. I was able to learn so much from the website including that there was a more affordable option available. So, I went back to my doctor so I could get my prescription moved over to one of the pharmacies in the CurAccess Program so I could get my CONTRAVE for $99 a month.
As I began to lose weight on CONTRAVE I started to make some big shifts in my exercise habits. I started adding in walks whenever I could. At first it was just at lunch time, and before I knew it I was walking upwards of 2 miles a day. This was so strange considering I used to HATE exercising and even walking for 30 minutes used be such a chore. In addition to walking, I now work out consistently and it’s a huge part of my routine. I have even started going to the gym to lift weights and run— a complete 360 from the person I was before CONTRAVE.
I also created this routine I called 30-30-30, which was drinking a shake with 30g of protein, taking my CONTRAVE within 30 minutes of waking up, and then doing 30 minutes of exercise. This little ritual really helped me stay on track as I started the medication and just became a second nature for me to where I still follow it to this day.
Before CONTRAVE I was always snacking on candy and chocolates, but now I rarely have cravings for sweets. I’ve been good about swapping out processed foods for something low-processed and clean. I have also made a big emphasis to eat meals and snacks with a high protein content.
Since I’ve lost weight and become healthier, I get a lot of people reaching out to me about it and asking how I did it. Lots of people assumed I “took the easy way out” with an injectable, but in reality I’ve put in LOTS of hard work to get to where I am today. I’m incredibly proud of all my lifestyle and diet changes I’ve made in addition to taking CONTRAVE.
Recently, I had a check-in appointment with my doctor and when he saw my progress, he said, “Wow.” Then he looks at me and asks, “How does it feel knowing you did all that work?” I hadn’t yet been asked that during my journey. I thought about it for a moment and, smiling, replied, “Honestly, it feels good.”
I’m excited to continue to put in the hard work so much that I’m actually looking into competing in a bodybuilding show in the near future!
*Disclaimer: Real patient taking CONTRAVE at the time of their interview. Individual results may vary. Story and photo used with permission.
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